Triple Candycup machine
Hands free Hygiene deliverd in a cup, Bulk vendingmachine with small cups for the loose products.
Close out price € 500.00
EX Dutch VAT
Triplecup vendingmachine.
- Each vend is dispensed without the use of electricity
- Vends are adjustable to get the desired amount of product per vend
- each snack is dispensed in a clean and hygienic cup
- Capacity: Triple machine is total of 19.8 kg product.
- Triple machine holds 630 cups in total
- Works on € 1.00 – 10 SEK – 10 DKK – 20 CZK – 10 NOK
Stock 18-01-2021 8x €1.00 / 2x 10 DKK / 2x 10 SEK / 1x 20 CZK
Dimensions for the Single cupmachine :
Height: 150 cm
Width: 55 cm
Depth: 40 cm
Weight Empty: 43 kg
Baseplate, Steel : 40 cm x 40 cm